New, and just released! Knit Along With Debbie Macomber: Charity.
Best-selling author and avid knitter Debbie Macomber wants you to know that your knitting can make a difference! Her Charity Guide for Knitters will acquaint you with exciting ways your hobby can bring comfort and dignity to individuals in need. Eighteen easy-to-intermediate patterns are included for knit blankets, sweaters, socks, hats, mittens, slippers, vests, and a helmet liner.
Featured national charities include Binky Patrol, Children in Common, Christmas at Sea, Newborns in Need, Operation Helmet Liner, Phillip’s Wish, Project Linus, Santa Train, Snuggles Project, Warm Up America!, and Warm Woolies. Tips are also given for helping local chemotherapy patients, nursing home residents, and prison ministries.
Available from Leisure Arts,
Thank you so much for mentioning us on your blog and in your book! We are so excited to be part of your project.
We’re linking to your book and hopefully we can help you get more sales.
i just wanted to second that this is a rgeat book! i am lucky enough to live down the road from her yarn shop and when i went in to pick up yarn yesterday found i was one of the lucky anniversary door prizes..this book was in the prize baggie! lots of info and ideas as well as patterns!
I am surprised that Debbie Macomber has made the Warm Up America project an opportunity for her own profit by publishing a book that we all HAVE TO BUY — is she donating a percentage of her sales profit to the Warm Up Project? to Charity?
True, we do not ‘have to buy’ this book — there are plenty of patterns stored in our own brains that we can recall and put into a square for charity afghans.
If this were truly charity knitting, then why is this book not offered online on a free downloadable format??
And if I have missed an important aspect of Macomber’s offering to the knitting community, that relates to donating her skill and talent, please post a reply here. Enlighten me and perhaps many others.
Thanks —
I can’t answer your question about how much of the book profits are donated to charity, however, I do work closely with another group who sells a book for charity. In that instance, yes, 100% of the profits of the book are used to fund that charity. I would imagine that Debby’s is also similar.