[youtube IRc3309JUyc]
This heel, which gave birth to Cat’s new eBook, *Cat’s Sweet Tomato Heel Socks*, emerged last winter after several days of sitting beside the wood stove with her mother while trying to fiddle her way towards a new short-row heel. She’d given up several times when almost unconsciously, she did a small thing—and just like that, the clean heel of my dreams existed. This small thing closes gaps without holes, wraps, or acrobatics. The heel is rhythmic to work and nearly perfectly smooth, like a tomato. Best of all, once the process is understood, a knitter needs no written instructions. For more information, visit CATBORDHI.COM
Great video, billiant idea! Perhaps you should change the title though to refelect Cat Bordhi’s name instead of Cookie A.
Can this be worked on a leg down to toe sock? If so, does anything need to be done differently?
Cat says they can be worked either way and I wouldn’t think there would be a difference in how you go about it, but I haven’t tried it 😉
I am knitting 2 toe up socks on 2 circular needles. I love the look of the sweet tomato heel. Please tell me if I can do it using the 2 circs ? If so, how ?? Thanks for any help you can give me.
I assume you could do it with any needle configuration you like, but again, I haven’t tried it.