Innovative to traditional, 17 designs in this book. Available from Interweave Press ($24.95). This is the 6th book in the STYLE series and features classic and innovative use of traditional color techniques by top designers.
Fair Isle, intarsia and slip stitch, or use a combination, this book will encourage you to create your own masterpieces. A Design Notebook chapter details the fundamental ways to incorporate color into knitting. Clear explanations and helpful tips for the most frequently used c0lorwork techniques.
Even if you’re a beginning knitter, this book shows easy ways to achieve colorful effects in your knitting.
Go here to order:
What? You want it free? Ok! I can do that! I have one copy to give away. Let’s go with a randomly picked (by my puppy, of course) comment about your experiences with using color in your knitting!
Color knitting and I seem to be sooo incompatible; I’ve been wondering if this book would help solve that problem!
I knitted frocks for baby girls a long time ago n hope to get the book and start new project now
I love this book, having borrowed it from the library… Right now, I’m putting a hold on new books, etc. because of back-to-school expenses.
Oh, you want to know about my color knitting? It’s a great stashbuster and looks great too!
oh wow! got to peek at this at the library and it looked great!
Looks like a great book!
Interweave has such good books. I’m a beginner, so I haven’t experimented much – but I love to try colors that are different from what’s called for in the pattern.
This book looks amazing. I jumped right in to intarsia for my first scarf (a black on gray skull for my rocker boyfriend) and my first hat (a 70s inspired mushroom theme for my brother). I love color work and really want to improve my skills.
I love using bright colours in my knitting. It brightens up the gloomy west coast winter days.
I tend to be somewhat timid with using multiple colors. I have done some basic striping and beginner strand work. I would like to learn intarsia
I think fair isle can be the ultimate stash buster…wish I was better at it…wish I had a good book to refer to…I was really sorry when Sally Melville’s book didn’t reference it seriously…
I would love to have this book I have only knit with 2 colors at a time.Hugs Darcy
I love Fair Isle knitting – but am usually too scared to change the given colours in the pattern. Perhaps the book will make me braver!
I am just trying to learn to knit so I don’t really have any experiences to share but I wouldn’t mind winning to book to have for the future
My favorite pair of two color, stranded scandinavian snow flake pattern mittens was my first project ever when I was 11; 40 years ago!!! I have been wielding the needles ever since but never ventured to Fair Isle.. Maybe the time has come, I feel like I’ve knit everything else! sz
Ps.. I love your blog!
This would be a wonder book for me as I branch out into more dyeing. I’ve enjoyed creating the colors and combinations, the but still haven’t done much knitting with them.
This would be a fantastic help for me. It is a bit hard for me to see what colors go with others and the patterns that might make the colors come alive.
Colorwork in my knitting has mostly been achieve by buying self-striping yarn!!! I would love to learn though 🙂 c’mon puppy paw!
I haven’t conquered color knitting yet, I think I need more inspiration. Hope I win this book!
I love color work, it brightens up everything. It has been awhile since I’ve done much of it. This book may jump start me back into it. Thank you and good luck everyone.