Yolanda is the winner of this giveaway!
This is an older book, but it’s a good one if you like cable knitting. I always think of cables as being the perfect thing to knit in the fall or for the fall. I guess that’s because the twisty cables remind me of bare trees and gnarled branches, or maybe because there are so many great warm sweaters decorated with cables.
Either way, this book, Inspired Cable Knits by Fiona Ellis, is probably better for knitters with a few cable projects under their belts, since the allover patterns do take some concentration.
This book is fun, too, because it shares the inspiration behind the patterns and includes mindfulness pointers, which sometimes have something to do with knitting but even when they don’t are probably ideas we could all use in our busy lives.
If you’d like a chance to win this book, leave a comment on this post before the end of the day Sunday, August 24. Let me know what your favorite thing about fall is, or why you love knitting cables, or whatever is on your mind this week.
Thanks for visiting, commenting and sharing, and good luck!
Looking for more Cable-styled knitting patterns? Check out these Cable Knit Patterns on Etsy
love the elegance of cables and the pretty leaves of fall (which is coming early to California).
I love the Fall weather and the fall holidays! thank you!
I love the smell, colors, cooler nights Halloween & Pumpkins!
My email was spelled wrong I think!
I love Fall weather–get a chance to being to wear the knits that I have made. I checked this book out of the library once and love the patterns I saw in it.
I love that even simple cables make any knit look more complex.
I enjoy the cooler temperatures of fall and would like to make a cable sweater as a early fall-type jacket. This book would be perfect!! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!
I love fall because it means getting cosy with sweaters and blankets and pumpkin pie!
I love that cables can be as simple or complex as you choose to make them, whether it’s a Celtic knot, a two-color cable, or just a small twist every now and then. Thanks for another great giveaway.
I love the cooler weather & all of the beautiful colors of Fall!
JKnits51 on Ravelry
Fall is the perfect weather for knitting and wearing your knitted projects!
I love knitting cables because I find the end result absolutely beautiful,, and because I find the necessary counting, separating, joining again, soothing.
And did I mention beautiful?
I love the Autumn probably because I was born in it. I love knitting cables because they’re soooo fun!!! And I think they’re very easy; much easier than lace knitting.
Autumn is my favourite season – the colours, smells, light and cooler weather. And I love knitting cables as the give any project an extra cosiness.
I love knitting cables because they’re addictive. I love to watch the cables grow off my needles, and usually say to myself “just one more cable cross”, then one more, and well, there may be some late nights knitting, but I do get the project done that way. Autumn, on the other hand, I’m not really crazy about. Pumpkins and apples are good, but I hate seeing the days get shorter.
I love the colours of Autumn – so warming and great for snuggly cable knits!
I love the colors of fall, the cool temps that encourage wearing those great hand knits, and the anticipation of the winter holidays.
The colour of the leaves on the trees is a fantastic colour pallet to inspire crafters in every area.
Fall is my favourite season of the year…I love everything about fall! And cables make me think of cold, misty days, so they fit wonderfully into fall!
I love knitted items with cables, but have never tried making anything with them yet. Maybe winning this book will give me the courage to start a project with cables. Thanks so much for the chance to enter!
Autumn is my favorite season! It’s the relief of cooler weather (and rain, yay!) but I love the autumn colors and the way it smells, too. It’s just a good time of year. 🙂
I love the cooler weather of fall.
Cables are SO much bang for the buck. And I love the leaves of fall. And fresh applesauce.
I just love knitting cables anyway you twist them!! 🙂
I love fall, every thing about it. The clean smell of the air. There is just a feeling of great flowing energy. The colors of the trees. The leaves rustling in the wind, such a relaxing sound. The birds that chirp early morning are louder and sing longer. The sunsets are so colorful. The cooler air & wind keep the bugs away. Friends sit n chat more with larger cups of relaxing hot beverages while snuggling themselves in fibre gifts we’ve made them. Scarves and sicks and sweaters are everywhere on everyone, so much eye candy to try to remember to make. Then the cable thing….I fell in love with fisherman’s cable knit sweaters as a child as nan knit them. She said it was too hard of a skill to teach me. So I always watched her but never learnt how.
Now I crochet more and am starting weaving too. I know only the basics in knit. But vowed to learn cables in knitting this year.
It is neat but wonky that’s for sure but interesting. Fear has kept me from learning before now.I have about 100 or more cable patterns saved to try someday. Love cables.
I love the crispness in hte air and all the harvest stuff everywhere.
wahoomerryf on Ravelry
Oh, I like Fiona’s designs! The Fall is my favorite time – not too hot, not too cold, just perfect for light shawl or a cardi. Thank you
I knit Aran patterns regularly and enjoy all sorts of cables.
My favorite thing about fall is the cooler weather and beautiful colors in nature.
I’m working on cabled top right now, my first one, and I wish I had more knowledge and ideas!
My favorite thing about fall is being able to wear my favorite sweater and jeans and walking through the woods. Seeing all the fall leaf colors, hearing the crunch of dried leaves as I walk the path. Love going through the corn mazes.
Love the fall season……..and colours!! Cooler days…. Mother Nature providing for all the wildlife. Have been knitting for almost 50 years, and cables are still one of my favourites. They take more time and concentration, but the results are always well worth the effort. 🙂
I love the crispness in the air in the fall! I’d love to make a cabled cardigan & have it ready to wear!
My favorite thing about Fall is sitting by the fire with some yarn….crisp air….sweaters and scarves.
I love knitting cables because I love the interweaving lines and shapes — so sculptural!
Cables are certainly my most favorite knitting. A slower process but definitely worth the effort to see the end result.
I love planning what I’M going to knit for my nephew and grand-nephews, for Christmas. This is when I START knitting for gifts, in the fall.
I love the fall! Getting ready for the holidays, chilly weather, getting out all of my sweaters (after having had triple digit summers in GA…) I LOVE to do extremely complicated cabling and take on at least three projects a year that are gruelingly (?) hard! I would love to have this book. Thanks for the great giveaways!
Where I live, it’s too hot to go hiking in the summer so we eagerly await fall when we can resume hiking.
The crispness in the air and later the fire burning in the hearth.
i love the fall festivals, and the cooler weather.
I like the crisp, fresh air and the apples.
I love the cooler weather, pumpkin and apple picking and the changing color of the trees.
I love fall knitting… Getting a new sweater for winter. I also love this book – my copy was “borrowed” and never returned.
My favorite thing about fall is pumpkins! I love pumpkins anyway I can get them!!
Cables – a wonderful way to take your project from ordinary to extraordinary.
Autumn leaves, cool breeze and toasty cabled sweaters!
I love the colours of the leaves! I collect them and press them. They are so beautiful!
I love going trick or treating with the kids and I love the changing colors of the leaves on the tree.