Can you knit it in time for this weekend? Depends on the project doesn’t it. If it’s a quick and easy thing, why not take advantage of the Spring Fever you’re feeling and cast on for yet one more “quick little project”. I won’t tell!
So, while going through my earrings this morning trying to decide what to wear, I found my gold heart earring. Perfect! Notice I said earring. As in singular. As in not 2, only 1. hmmmm, ok. Never being one to shy away from wearing two different types of earrings I dove right in. What in the world does this have to do with a knitting blog? Hold on, I’ll get there.
Looking through all of my online references trying to find a quick easy V. day project for you to knit up (preferably free, cause that’s how I roll…) I found this: And I think this is where my other earring went. Oh, wait, it was gold, not silver. Anyway, this would be a cute, quick and easy knit, and pair it with a charm (or single earring) and you’re good to go!
Here’s the link:
Gotta go, have to find some red yarn and cast on…..
The Valentines Necklace is so cute and very clever:)((((Hugs)))Darcy