I do love a good knitalong, though I have to admit that usually I’m really excited about them at the beginning and then end up either not finishing the project or never posting that I did finish the project. So it was with the “Downton Abbey” knitalong I did earlier this year, and so it would probably be with the latest knitalong to be hosted by Shannon from luvinthemommyhood.
This one is about sweater knitting, which is great because if you start a sweater now it’s a lot more likely you’ll get it finished before the weather turns cool so you can enjoy it all season.
The full details on this one will be released on Wednesday, but the idea is to knit a sweater for yourself. The knitalong will run from July 24 to around September 18, which is plenty of time to knit a sweater. You can share how your project is going and get knitterly advice through her Ravelry group, which should be a lot of fun.
I would totally do this, except I really need to finish the sweaters (yes, more than one) I started last year but didn’t finish before the weather got too warm.
Are you thinking about sweater knitting already? I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
Totally doing this one. Shannon has such a fun group.
FYI, I think you can participate in this using hibernating UFOs.