This cute little cabled hat with bear ears is perfect on a baby but it’s sized up to an adult small if you want to dress the whole family up Three Bears style.
CraftFoxes published this pattern back in 2012, but it’s still pretty darn cute for your baby bears and beyond. The simple cables are great for those new to that skill, and the little ears add an adorable touch.
Why not add a blond Cabbage Patch Doll beanie for your little Goldilocks to complete the look?
[Photo via CraftFoxes.]
Looking for more Knitted Beanie patterns? Check out these Knitting patterns we found on Etsy.
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Ooh, I hadn’t even thought about ltniisg them on Folksy – good idea! I shall try to do that this afternoon…I can always do a special ltniisg for extras if I don’t have the amount you want in stock 🙂