Finnish knit designer, Tuulia Salmela has developed a method to knit a seamless set-in-sleeve sweater from the top-down using any yarn and any stitch pattern. Included in this package is a short instruction manual (PDF) and an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that enables users to input finished measurements of a variety of garment styles and the spreadsheet automatically creates a pattern. The result is a top-down method that is very intuitive, structurally sound and assures fit and confidence to the knitter. Lace, stranded-color work, texture, cables – any stitch pattern works. It’s such a great way to ensure fit!
Read more, see a preview, and order this book here:
I can’t locate this pattern at the specified location and I really, really want it. Can you help?
Hi Jackie,
Here is her blog:
Hope this helps.