As most knitters do, I have quite a stash, and some of it is pretty old. In the fall, I decided I wanted to knit some gloves for the girl (since her hands are finally big enough that I felt like I could stitch individual fingers without going insane) and I let her pick out the yarn.
She picked a ball of Opal Harry Potter (Ron colorway), which has been long since discontinued. Maybe there’s a reason for that, because this yarn has been nothing but bad luck for me.
The yarn itself is lovely, and I whipped up a pair of kid-sized gloves in no time.
And that’s when it all started to go wrong.
The first day she wore them to school she lost one.
So I knit another one.
I was sure we’d lost another one last week, right before our first snow, but I found it, thank goodness.
A while later I decided she needed some new knit socks, because her ones from last year are getting a little small. And I thought it would be cute to use the Harry Potter yarn again.
And though I measured and calculated and did all the things you’re supposed to do, she could not get the first sock on her foot.
The second one I think would fit, but the foot is too short.
So I’m still going to end up knitting three socks, just as I knit three gloves.
There’s some kind of dark magic here, no doubt.
Sigh. At least she probably won’t lose a sock. Maybe.
Have you had any exciting knitting adventures lately? I’d love to hear!
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