I’m a little obsessed with knit socks right now. It’s winter, and they are the best thing ever for keeping your feet cozy.
But I also just want to knit a bunch of socks. I have a pair on the needles for my daughter, but I don’t really have a lot of time for knitting a big pair right now. And that makes me sad.
If you’re not a sock knitter you might not know all the great reasons to knit socks. But Ashley at Craftsy does, and she just might talk you into trying it, especially if your foot is somewhere out of the range of normal.
One thing she mentions that I hadn’t really thought about is, despite all the talk about repairing holes in socks, handmade socks do seem to last longer than the ones you buy in the store. Maybe it’s just because we take better care of them, but I’ve yet to have a hole develop in a pair of handmade socks (though some are certainly starting to show wear) and I’ve throw away tons of socks because they’ve worn out.
If you knit socks, anything you’d add to this list? And if you don’t, are you inspired? Maybe I should do a sock knitting month in February?
[Photo via Craftsy.]
Looking for more knitted socks designs and patterns to keep you warm this winter? Check out these knitted sock patterns Etsy. And these Knitting Pattern books on Amazon.
Looking to buy your Yarn online? Check out these online yarn specials.
This is spot on! I love to knit socks – just finished one pair and am starting on my next. I knit bigger projects, too, but love being able to take my sock knitting anywhere I go.
you choose the colors, knit them to fit, they’re warm, comfy,cozy and make great gifts. What’s not to love!