- Understanding Fibers: Compare the rich historic traditions of plant and animal fibers with the fascinating scientific advances in synthesizing fibers.
- Managing Yarn Structure: step-by-step instructions and photographs demonstrate the range of possibilities in yarn, from sturdy plied yarns to playful novelty yarns.
- Practical Uses: learn how to make yarns that precisely match your needs with decision making and planning to create the exact project you want from the beginning.
The Intentional Spinner also includes four projects that demonstrate how handspun can be used in weaving and knitting. The projects explain how to choose material, techniques, and finish the processes.
Blending technical expertise and fascinating lore, The Intentional Spinner is a must-read for every spinner.
Who wants this book? I’ve got one copy to give away, leave a comment telling me why you wanted to start spinning!
Ooo! Because I just got an Ashford Traveller and I desperately need more educational resources! I don’t even have one book, let alone this cool one. 😉 *wink wink* This looks like a great read.
I wanted to start spinning so i can have more choices for lace yarn.
I started spinning because i fell in love with knitting and wanted to learn every aspect! (from shearing, dying, spinning) I still feel like i am learning and plan to seek someone out to try and fine tune things this winter! But a resource book would be wonderful!
When I learn something new I usually jump into the deep end and either drown or come up sputtering. I’m just learning to spin with spindles, and hope to move to a wheel. Maybe this book would be like a life preserver? I hpe so!
I always wanted a spinning wheel and my brother knew this. So when the old lady living near him was down sizing, with a beautiful spinning wheel to sell, he bought it as a gift for me as a thank you for my help with my disabled sister in law (now deceased )So I am now in possession of this beautiful machine and can’t use it yet.
Thank you
Jean Cly
I always wanted a spinning wheel and my brother knew this. So when the old lady living near him was down sizing, with a beautiful spinning wheel to sell, he bought it as a gift for me as a thank you for my help with my disabled sister in law (now deceased )So I am now in possession of this beautiful machine and can’t use it yet.
Thank you
Jean Clay
I have been fascinated with spinning ever since I learned to knit and crochet. Plus, I just found a local source for natural fibers that I could spin myself. This would be a great resource!
I learned to use a drop spindle because a wonderful friend kept pushing and pushing until I finally gave in. Of course I knew part of the motive was all the roving for sale in the shop, but I’m still glad I learned.
I am interested in that book because of friend of mine is a farmer and she doesnt know how to use sheep wool practically. so together we can learn something useful and new.