Welcome back to Sweater Month! I wanted to get started with a little pep talk and a reminder that you probably already know everything you need to know in order to successfully knit a sweater.
Yes, an adult-sized sweater is a big project, and it can, indeed, be quite complex. But if you’re looking at a stockinette sweater with minimal shaping, you’ve probably got all the skills you need to get it done right.
Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the skills you are likely to need to knit a basic, pieced sweater.
- Casting on
- Knitting
- Purling
- Basic increasing or decreasing, depending on the direction of the sweater
- The ability to measure a piece of knitting
- Binding off
- Making pieces the same length (front and back and sleeves)
- Seaming
Nothing too difficult there. The one I have the most trouble with is making pieces that are supposed to be the same length actually the same length (and that’s not a problem so long as you can count rows).
I know seaming can be scary, but again, if you’re just working with stockinette, mattress stitch is actually really easy to learn.
Check out my article from About on How to Knit a Sweater to get another look at the skills needed for sweater knitting, as well as links to some easy patterns you might want to try.
I so far behind with the knit along scarf it may be ready for winter 2016!!! But I do so want to knit a sweater. One day…
Me, too, as it happens. I did the first clue, tried to do the second, remembered I hate bobbles and abandoned it. Someday! 🙂
Those bobbles are killing me but I am determined. I’m just almost 3 weeks behind!