Stitches from the Heart is a non-profit organization that sends handmade clothing, blankets, and love to premature babies all across the nation. We also have a senior program that helps seniors help others by donating yarn and supplies.
Click over to their site for a newsletter, free patterns and links.
Hi – I have printed free patterns from your organization which is fairly old. I tried to bring it up again, but cannot get into this information. I typed in “ but nothing happens. There is a note saying this site is under construction? What is happening? I’m looking for free knitting patterns for infants hats and simple blankets to knit. Thank you. marlene banks
Could you please inform me by e-mail when my knitted baby hats arrive. The last time I sent to the original address and they were returned to me, and I went on your website and found the new address. Consequently I had to pay to have mailed to you and then had to pay to have them returned to me and had to pay a third time to be sent to the new address.
I don’t have anything to do with this, Hilda, you’ll have to contact the company directly.
I have some knitted caps to send. I sent them to, the address at 3316 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, ca. and it came back to me. Do you have another address?
Karen Roth
awaiting moderation? I don’t understand
To all that:
The Santa Monica address closed in 2010. All items can be sent to :
Stitches from the Heart
9450 Mira Mesa Blvd Suite C419
San Diego CA 92126
Kathy Silverton has retired as of May 2012. Also our website has been updated and any links you have may no longer be valid. Check us out at
If you have any questions please please feel free to contact me.
GeorgeAnne Plaza
Stitches from the Heart
I hope we hear lots from everyone and enjoy the new look of our organization
I too sent a box of crocheted items back on 6-8 and it was refused because it wasn’t the correct address. I paid $14 to send it and it was returned because it needed more postage to go to the new address. Thus I will not be sedning any thing else to your organization. Nor will I recommend you to any of my needle work friends. A waste of my time and money!!
I recieved the old address with a leaflet dated December 2010. If that address closed in 2010 why send it out??? Not a reputable non-profit
Awaiting moderation????? What’s that mean?????
Take the items to the local hospital which has a maternity ward.
What is going on with Stitches From the Heart? My letter sent to 9450MiraMesa Blvd get returned by PO Unable to forward. I sent a check to pay for my subscription and was returned by PO. I have hats to send but am afraid they will be returned by PO. What is a good address or isn’t there one?
Hilda Vanderhoof [email protected]
Where is everybody? Cannot get thru to get a new address,the SanDiego, Ca is not working, have you moved or closed up?
Will not send more items until I hear. Hilda Vanderhoof.
[email protected]
I saw here ( that the charity is apparently permanently closed. I don’t know anything else about what happened or why.
Wow! I’m having the same problem. Tried to look up Stitches from the Heart online to check the hours for the UPS store where I used to drop off my knitted/crocheted items in Mira Mesa, but couldn’t find anything at all.
It was a lot of work for GeorgeAnne, who used to manage everything. Maybe she had to go back to work, or they moved out of town?
How about letting us stitchers know what is going on? Shall I send more knitted items? Is there anybody there?
As I mentioned in August, as far as I know the charity is permanently closed. I have no affiliation with it and can provide no further information.
It would be very nice if they would et everyone know what is going on, whether they are no more or an address to send future knitted items
Hilda Vanderhoof
I just had a second box of knit and crocheted afghans and baby things returned for the second time. I had contributed to this charity for years and all of a sudden they are not at either address represented online. I have spent over
$30. postage but will not send the items out again. I’ve sought out another charity that serves the Appalachian areas. Will never send anything to Stitches From the Heart as they are not correctly represented online anymore.
K. Hess, from Pennsylvania
I am so sorry to those of you who tried to send items to Stitches from the Heart. We here in San Diego were heartbroken that the organization folded. The last I heard was that the director was being investigated by the IRS. None of us here in town have been able to find out anything either. The Facebook page was closed along with the website which meant that the patterns we all enjoyed were no longer available either. For patterns I can recommend Beverly’s Cottage. I believe she also lists some places that you can donate. Otherwise I would suggest that you do what some of the rest of us have done, contact your local hospitals and find out if they can use the items you make. I also look into hospitals and pregnancy counseling centers when I am traveling and any time I encounter a nurse I ask her to check with her Hospital to see if they can use any. I specialize in preemie hats and blankets and I have yet to be turned away by anyone. Good luck to you and thank you for your time and efforts!
I did a little more research and found this.
“This organization has not appeared on the IRS Business Master File in a number of months. It may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
This organization’s exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years. Further investigation and due diligence are warranted.”