Thanks for the amazing response to my yarn giveaway (if you haven’t entered yet it’s open through Sunday). I’m taking this positive reaction to mean both that you love free yarn and that you love cowls, which a lot of people have been saying.
So it seems the right time to share this post of a dozen cowl patterns (includes knit and crochet) from Red Heart.
I like the Once Around Cowl, pictured here, which has a cute cable pattern that just looks soft and squishy and warm. The Chunky Colorful Cowl is a super easy one if you need to mass produce a holiday gift. And even though it’s crochet, the Color Block Cowl might give you an interesting idea for a knit project (this one also uses reflective yarn, which is pretty cool).
Do you have a favorite cowl pattern? I’m working on a bunch for holiday gifts (have done a bulky one in moss stitch and am working on a color blocked feather and fan one right now) so I’d love some more suggestions!
[Photo via Red Heart.]
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Check out these books dedicated to Knitted Cowl Patterns still looking for more cowl patterns? Check these out on Etsy.
I really liked knitting a brioche cowl ( recently. It was an easy, but not mindless knit. I also love that although the 2 sides are different, neither looks like the “wrong” side.