World Wide Knitting in Public Day has expanded through the years from a couple of days to now more than a week. This year’s event celebrating knitting outside the home is taking place from June 8 through the 16 with all sorts of events happening all over the world.
Click on the website linked above to search for events in your area or to start one of your own. You’ll have to create a free account and jump through a couple of hoops to do so, so if you already know of events happening where you live you might want to skip it. You can also check the Craftsy meetup page to find yarn-related meetups in your area or to start one.
I participated in a local event once a few years ago — as well as a yarn bombing a different year for International Yarn Bombing Day, which happens around the same time — and both were a lot of fun. It’s nice to get to know other knitters in your area, but it’s also just nice to take your knitting out and let people see you knitting.
I knit in public a lot, so this isn’t too strange to me, but if you don’t I want to encourage you to give it a go. Be warned that people will react to you, but it’s mostly positive, and it’s a great way to spread the word about this awesome craft that we love.
I’ve been knitting in public for a while and it always generates a conversation – living in London, I love that it gets people chatting on the tube. It’s also a great way to bring knitting to a wider audience. Like getting children to understand that vegetables grow in the ground, they always react with excitement when they see a sock on the needles. To those who haven’t knit in public before, I say grab those sticks and get out there; knit al fresco!
I notice you recommend bringing your iphone or ipad. What if you have an android phone or tablet?
I have tried to knit the Sunburst Sling Bag and end up taking it out several times and finally putting it away for later, Can some one put a tutorial on this project, I can’t seem to master it and it is frustrating. Thank you Katie Wells
I bring my project bag everywhere – I really enjoy it when young kids show interest in knitting and I encourage them to learn.