Though it’s officially called World Wide Knit in Public Day, the event actually spans a week, this year from June 9 through June 22. According to the event’s website, it is the largest knitter-run event in the world (which makes sense, I suppose). The knitting event is dedicated to “better living through stitching together” and it’s all about meeting other people who knit as well as raising awareness of knitting within your community.
People in cities all over the world are hosting their own knit-in-public events, and you can search for an event near you or start your own if you don’t see one listed where you are.
I took part in a local KIP a few years ago at our farmer’s market and it was a lot of fun.
Are you planning to join in? I’d love to know where you’ll be hanging out.
This sounds super fun! My friends and I knit informally in coffee shops and sometimes even bars in downtown Seattle a couple times a month. Maybe we will organize something for this! Thanks for the information.
We’ll be knitting at the Cherry Hills Library in Albuquerque, NM, from 1 to 3 pm. We meet there weekly from 10 until noon on Tuesdays, but Saturday we’ll be knitting out in the main library. I even got the day off from work so I could go knit! Everybody I tell about it says, “But you always knit in public!”