This is about three hours from my house, and I ,ay just have to make a trip so I can see it in person. A bunch of knitters and crocheters have yarn bombed the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock, covering more than 1,200 square feet of the building, surrounding walls and tress with knitting.
Louise Palermo, education director at the center, saw one yarn-bombed tree last year and was inspired to develop the project with the help of Chelsye Garrett, an art student at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.
They say the size of the project makes it the second-largest yarn bombing ever, second only to the recent covering of the Andy Warhol Bridge in Pittsburgh.
It’s pretty amazing regardless. Not sure how long it’s going to be up, so if you’re in the area you should go check it out soon!
[Photo by Gavin Lesnick via Arkansas Online.]
Hi! I’m Chelsye, the artist that designed the Arts Center bomb. I’m so glad you like it! I just wanted to say thanks for mentioning us and the yarn bomb will be up until Oct 21.
It’s beautiful! To bad the whole world couldn’t be yarn bombed with love and color. love Carol