I recently aquired some of this yarn. It’s recycled, handspun silk sari yarn, gorgeous stuff. Currently I’m knitting a bag, and I’ll let you know how that goes. It’s fun to knit with, and knits up quickly (the size 13 needles probably help a bit!).
Darn Good Yarn prides itself on providing you with fairly traded and child labor free yarns. Falling back on her experience with Around the Om Nicole takes that mission seriously. As DGY continues to grow so will our yarn selections, which we promise will be earth friendly, fair trade, child labor free, unique and fun to craft with! Namaste!
I’ll write more later on this stuff, including pics of my bag-to-be, and of course the pattern as I make it up.
Check out the website, pretty cool stuff, and a blog too (can’t go wrong with a site that has a blog)! http://www.darngoodyarn.com
Just in case you visit the site, you can use coupon code DGYLOVE and you’ll get 5% off your entire order!