Dr who knitting fans have been in an uproar over their favorite Dr Who patterns being terminated off the internet. You could go see the (alleged) offending site but the patterns have now been removed.
it is not the first time free knitting patterns have been classed as ” In breech of copyright” and I am sure it won’t be the last.
Here are a few of the Newspaper articles on this topic.
You Will Obey BBC tells Knitters
The Sun – Dr Who Knitting Pattern Threat
BBC Unhappy over Dr Who Knitting Patterns
Still want to knit up something that emanates Dr Who ?
Check out these free patterns that still exist.
Knitted Jelly baby
Wow, I’m so shocked by this. I’m so glad to see that the jelly baby pattern is still available. I made those a while ago for my little girl and they are her favourite toy, she carries them everywhere and calls them her babies.
as someone who lives with umpteen billion Dr Who figures and a fanatic husband (who use to put on Dr Who conventions in the 80’s)- I am sorta glad they shut it down otherwise I would be forced to learn to knit. My husband wanted and Ood and the Adipose. Ok, so maybe it was me who want the adipose SO CUTE LOL, but since I can’t really knit I’d be tortured trying to make one.
Seriously though=it is a bit of a crock but these are trademarked images that BBC owns and technically she violated their copyright. Yes, she wasn’t selling them, but she couldn’t control who she gave them too and if THEY would sell them. In the US there is a fair use law that protects artists, so you can use some iconic images without fear of lawsuit, but not everything.
IF R.T.D. and the BBC had been smart, they would have paid her for them and put out a book and made a fortune.