I have to admit, I have no idea what a Webkinz is. Unless this is it. Which is adorable. Totally! But… my kids are all grown, I know what Pound Puppies, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake and Smurfs are, but the Webkinz, they are new (to me anyway). But, when I came across this pattern for this adorable furred creature’s sweater I had to tell you about it. Isn’t he/she huggable?
This is a handknit sweater pattern, and it’s courtesy of Pixie House’s Blog, here: http://thepixiehouse.blogspot.com/
Konnie Hartnell says
Icannot find your free webkinz sweater pattern. Would love to knit it.
Patti Verburg says
can’t find the sweater pattern, can you tell me where to get it? My grandkids keep asking me to make something for their Webkinz.