I love just about everything Vickie Howell designs because her stuff is cute but also pretty quick and easy. She uses details in a way that make her projects stand out even if the level of difficult isn’t all that high.
She also knits really cute stuff for kids, and her daughter Clover is not that much older than my little one, so I can take comfort in the fact that the things she knits will probably fit my kid.
And all of the above is the case with her Webbed Legwarmers, made with her Sheep(ish) yarn, which you can learn more about from my review at About, if you haven’t already used this fun yarn.
The legwarmers use a slip stitch pattern in two colors to make the spiderweb look, and the spider is embroidered on after the legwarmers are knit. So cute!
[Photo by Vickie Howell.]
Thank you so much for such a nice write-up, Sarah! XO, V