Gifted. Lovely Little Things To Knit and Crochet by Mags Kandis
These are all, little things to give away, some more intense, some really easy. Wearables such as hats, mittems, scarves, socks (cool socks!) and wraps. Home dec, including a tea cozy, pin cushion, needle case (sweet!), and laptop cover.
34 projects in all. There are several in this book that are already on my to do list, and they can be on yours too! The arm warmers are the 1st project I want to knit.
Along with all of the yummy knit, crochet and felted items are a few recipes sprinkled in. Like Tomato Jam. Can’t vouch for that one, I’ve never had it, but will definitely try it. Also vanilla sugar, mulling spice mix and ginger syrup. Yum!
This is the coolest book, and it can be yours next Friday, Aug 6, 2010.
Just leave me a comment! And good luck…. Ready… Set…. Go!!!
Looks like a great book to knit up smaller amounts of yarn!
would just love to have that book. it looks like a great book.good luck everyone!!!!
I would love to win this book 😀
Thanks for the chance 😀
I’m always on the lookout for small projects and this looks like something I could really use!!
What a great inspiration! Always great to have something new and fresh to look through.
I’d love to win this!
I was just looking at the book at my lys. Would love a copy!
knitting books of all kinds are my fave!
This is a lovely book of gift knits.
I’ve been looking to make a laptop cover! I’d love this book!
Oh I love to give away what I make so this would be perfect for me
I’ve been seeing some very nice reviews of this book, thanks for the giveaway.
I’d LOVE to win this book!
I have been looking for a knitting book that is dedicated to gifts for the people we love. Looks like I found it. Thank you for the chance to win it.
This book sounds amazing. Given my knitting attention span isn’t that great lately, this book sounds great. I love giving my knitting away too, so it’s just the perfect book for me.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love this! Enter me to WIN.
Looks like a neat book! Thanks for the review.
This book would be great to have.
I’m just learning to knit and this would be my first project book that I actually own!
I like to knit, crochet, felt, weave and more,
This book is abundant with ideas I can make for the poor.
Such variety will keep,
My mind quiet and true,
Keeping my hands busy,
“Gifted” will bring love
to more than a few!
One can never have too many books for new ideas!
I have always wanted to learn how to knit, this book looks inspiring!
Love your review (and would love to have Gifted in my knitting library!) 🙂
thanks much. (:
I’m sooooooooo excited!! I just saw this book advertised on Interweave and was thinking it looks perfect for this compulsive knitter who just loves to knit for other people. My specialties are baby knits and dog knits, but who can go past a good scarf or a pair of gloves. And I’ve been experimenting with tea-cosy’s lately. They make such nice gifts!
Glad to be in like minded company.
this book looks fantastic!!!
I’d love to win this book. I would probably give this as a Christmas gift to my mother-in-law, who has been the sweetest “mother substitute” to me since my own mother passed away. She is much more gifted at the needlearts than I am since I’m just now learning, and I know she would love it!
I would love to win the book — I love to look through the books, buy yarn, start a project, then start over again — look at book, buy yard, start project, …. But I have problem complelting projects,this summer my goal is to complete projects and when fall/winter begins and I can start new projects. If I win you book — I will probably make my first fall/winter project out of it.
itte projects are great to take witn you to appointments. woud ove to win this! Thanks.
I seriously want this book.
Thank you for a chafe to win this lovely book . I would love to win this book Louise