Knitters are so darn clever sometimes I just can’t get over it.
Tammy Lyons, who blogs at Eclectic Technique, was thinking about that fact that it’s possible to knit two socks at the same time on the same needles, one inside the other, and wondered if she could use the same technique to knit two hats at the same time on the same needles.
The answer was of course, and it’s really cool to think about and look at even if you never do it yourself. But should you ever have to knit hats for twins you can have them done at the same time.
She outlines the technique in three posts on her blog (the first is linked here) but you can also get all the details in a PDF from Ravelry.
Admittedly this is a fiddly process that involves lots of moving around of yarn. But it’s kind of a great parlor trick, and, again, if you needed two hats done at the same time for any reason, you would have them. It might be fun to try just once, to say that you had done it.
Is this something you would try? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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[Photo via Tammy Lyons.]
It looks cool but I would never do it. It is way too fiddly and would take me SO much longer than just knitting 2 hats separately. I do knit 2 socks at a time magic loop and I think it saves me a little time because I don’t have to measure to make sure I am making them the same length, etc, but I would never do one inside the other, whether hats or socks or whatever!
I’m a two circular items on 2 circular needles kind of gal. In fact, over the summer I knit 3 identical hats for our 3 daughters at the same time on 2 circular needles. Can’t do that with double knitting!
I agree with Junglewife. Too fiddly and more time consuming. Interesting idea though.
I found a pattern similar to this one, but the hats were worked so it ended up being one reversible hat. I made it for my husband and he said it’s the warmest hat he has ever worn. Now it’s the only one he wears. It is a little more time consuming but well worth it.
That’s totally valid, too! I’ve been tempted to double knit a hat but haven’t tried it yet.