Calling all crafters! I’m gearing up to write my next book, Craft Corps (pronounced Craft Core) which will focus on the community perpetuated by craft and the designers & hobbyists who feed it. As part of the content, I’m hoping to include 50-60 short profiles of crafters of all types. If you knit, crochet, embroider, decoupage, paint, sew, bead, tat, work with ceramics, collage, etc.—I want to hear from you! Whether you’ve found success selling your handmade sock monkeys on Etsy or you crochet chemo caps for charity, I want to know who you are, what you craft and why you do it. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PROFESSIONAL CRAFTERS (in fact, it’s preferable as the book’s other content will focus on that)!
I’ve been fortunate enough over the years to receive e-mails from people all over the world, sharing their favorite memory of crafting, what crafting has done for them or what got them started and how they’ll never stop. These stories–from hilarious craft mishaps to touching crafty life stories– have inspired me to collect more to share with the public, handmade community.
If you’re interested in possibly being a part of Craft Corps, please fill out the following questionnaire, cut and paste it into the body of an e-mail, and send it to: [email protected] as soon as possible (but no later than AUGUST 15th.) If we’re able to use your profile, an editor will contact you directly with more info.
Thank you so much for participating! xo, Vickie
P.S. Stay tuned for the Craft Corps website
P.P.S. Please pass this along to every crafter you know!
Craft Corps
Crafter Profilee Form
Profession (If you’re in school just put what level of student, ie College Student, Middle School Student, ect.):
Craft(s) of Choice:
Blog (if applicable):
Memory, Story or Anecdote related to crafting in your life (no more than 250 words):
Having trouble? Here’s an example to give you a little inspiration!
Sample Crafter Profile
Name: Libby Bailey (aka my mom)
Age: 64
Location: Lakewood, California
Profession: High School Special Education Teacher
Craft(s) of choice: Knitting, without a doubt.
“All of my life, the most important thing to me was becoming a mother, in the true sense of the word–not just one who gave birth. When my kids were little, my focus was being the kind of mother that mine wasn’t. Back then in my mind, one way to do this was to home-craft. Knitting made the first connection when for my brand new daughter, I made her a pretty, pink Scandinavian sweater and put it on her little body saying, “Mommy made this, just for you.” After that, every year I repeated the sweater in a different color and size. When her brother joined us, every year there were two sweaters knit by their mother’s hands.
As my children grew, there were many crafts we did together, as a family–with mommy’s hands, teaching little hands. And now, decades later, the little girl all grown up, teaches her mother the advanced intricacies of knitting. The circle is complete.”
Looking for more Chemo supplies, Check out these Chemo friendly low irritant body products Gentle on the skin
This chemo cap is knitted in the round and has a roller brim, This chemo cap is knitted in the round and is ridged with a small rim. We have some other patterns for knitted chemo caps too, check them out here.
One Ball Knitted Chemo Cap beanie
Visit our charity crafts page for listings of groups in your area who collect and donate these knitted items to charity.
Where do we send these short knitting bios?
What a great idea, I can not wait to read the book!!
Very nice!!