Knit Aid
is the new book vickie howell. I have not seen the book so please note this is not a book review more of a book notification.
It is (according to the press release) full of how-to scoop: everything from casting-on to short rows (with a few “practice” projects thrown in between.) Its compact design, tear-out needle gauge and easy-to-read-and-knit-at-the-same-time spiral binding, make this a perfect fit for any knitter on the go. All this–and oh, so much more–for the bargain price of $7.95!
Look for it in Spring ’08.
You can also pre-order this book for a signed copy (How cool is that)
I love vickie howell and watch knitty gritty daily. I do wish vickie and her mom would do something about those eye brows. LOL
I will look into adding her book to my collection.