I’ve got another giveaway for you! But this one you’re gonna have to work for. Your favorite Knitting TV Series, on DVD!
Join knitting expert Eunny Jang, crochet ace Kim Werker, spinning and weaving fiberista Liz Gipson, and favorite stitcher Shay Pendray on Knitting Daily Series 300, where yarn and fiber take center stage.
Featured Knitting Daily Season 300 guests include Halcyon Blake, Laura Bryant, Dawn Butler, Jil Eaton, Kathy Elkins, Abby Franquemont, Mary Scott Huff, Adina Klein, Barry Klein, Kelly Lealos, Beth Lutz, Kathy Merrick, Lisa Myers, Shirley Paden, Kristen Rengren, Iris Schreier, Penny Sitler, Becca Smith, Andrea Wong, and Kathy Zimmerman. Learn a variety of cast-on methods, the basics for managing your yarns in colorwork, how to knit jogless stripes in the round, tips on becoming a designer, and more.
4-DVD Set. Total run time is approximately 5 hours, 48 minutes. This DVD Set is for your private home viewing only. It is not authorized for other use. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Go here for more info on this DVD series: http://www.interweavestore.com/Knitting/Video/Knitting-Daily-TV-Series-300.html
But, if you want to win one free, you’re going to have to put on your knitting, I mean thinking caps!
I want to know this: What would you like to see more of in this blog? I try to give you lots of free patterns, book reviews and website ideas. What do you want more of? Let me know how to make this a better blog and maybe you’ll be the one to win this awesome series!
Entries will be accepted until Friday Nov 13th, 5PM EST.
I always visit for free patterns and links to previously unknown sources of knitting patterns and hints.. I stop by every day!
I enjoy the book review and the reviews of different products. After seeing your review of the Knit Kit I got one for myself and it has been one of my greatest tools. I also love the free patterns, so probably more product reviews and free patterns.
LInks to the blogs of really interesting knitters.
Links to special techniques
Links to new or unusual designers
I’m casting a vote for more links to all the goodies on the net that I miss since The Daily Chum left us. You know, all the patterns, yarns and misc knitting news that’s fit to print.
I’d also like something that helps us grow as knitters. I can do basics, but reading a sweater pattern draws a cold sweat. I have 2 projects that are UFO’s because I can’t get past a certain point. How about a Grow a Better Knitter feature once a week?
I do love free patterns and reviews. I would like to see more links to knitters’ blogs (I love seeing FOs and getting inspiration for my next project). Also, I know the needlework section often highlights different stitches – maybe we could do that here? Whip out one of the Treasury books and highlight a lesser-known stitch. I always love seeing new-to-me cable designs, lace, etc.
I like the patterns and the book reviews. I would like to see more tips about different techniques, problem solving, figuring out patterns/charts. The kind of things that keep me from being a more advanced knitter.
I think yours is an amazing blog, so it’s hard to think of how it could be better. I do think it could be fun to have a international theme week…like “crafts from Venezuela”, every now and again. That would expand our knowledge.
I enjoy everything on the blog! But since you asked, I’d like to see tips and tricks. Also, knitting podcasts are great – maybe you could review some of them.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the DVDs!
I just found your blog, and all I can suggest is to keep doing what you are doing…it’s terrific!
I would like reviews of new patterns and reviews of new yarns!
I would like to see more yarns. I love everything you show but I love drooling over some yarn. Btw keep up the amazing book reviews!!
I love the site and can’t think of much that would improve it. I’ve tried lots of new things and gotten great ideas for gifts and goodies. That being said I’d like to see more crafts that kids could do with just a bit of adult guidance. I craft with kids a lot and am always in the market for things that they can do with just gentle help from me.
Love the site, keep up the good work.
P.S. I check in everyday during my lunch break at work and can hardly wait to get home to plan things. 🙂
I’d like to see some interesting knitting techniques or helpful tips/tricks. Thanks!
I love how you highlight patterns from your magazines, but how about telling us more about the designers? Link to their blogs, even?
Links to blogs.
I would love to see yarn substitution sugestions. This would be so helpful for those of us that do not know for sure yet all of the different weights and types or cannot afford the different fancy yarns.
I’d like to see more crochet patterns, highlights from crafty blogs, contests – especially for yarns.
Your blog is one of my favorites and I check in at least once a day! Even though I love to see other crafts and check out other crafter’s projects, my two loves (current loves anyway…I’m fickle that way!) are knitting and beading and I can never get enough of these two topics.
Thanks for the great give-away!
I love this site as is. I guess I’d like to see features about more independent spinners and dyers.
Maybe some way to get readers more interactively involved, like polls or an occasional question about how do you handle this or that issue in knitting. But this is a great site and you’ve already got a good mix of useful info, fun, free stuff and most importantly – giveaways! Thanks for all of it!
I have to say I la la LOVE the free patterns, and probably could never get enough of them!
Maybe some links to tutorials and patterns for new and beginner knitters beyond the basics.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
I would like to see more instruction. I am a knitting beginner and would love to see how to make a hat or a small project with cables. As a beginner, I need time to build confidence in this craft.
free patterns, new accessories, what others are doing to play up their knitting, tricks, new knit in fiction, contests … i admit it, i like to see it all! This dvd set would be so cool as our local channel is very tempermental when playing the shows… so i usually end up issing them!
I love free patterns and knitting tips.
i think links to others knitters blogs would be great also some sort of competition kind of things and maybe some more give aways like wool, patterns and books. the patterns are good so we can keep going with those, would be cool to have more. some links to other websites that have good thing like patterns, tutorials and other things would be good. some tips and tricks on knitting would be great aswell. i think what you are doing is great but we just need a tiny bit more. it was a good idea to do this.
Gotta love ya. Yarn substitutions would be great.
i watched show #304 knitting daily about tunisian crochet/knitting, they mentioned the hook was a size u available in 18 and 24 inch lengths, do u know where to find this hook? anything i can find is smaller or handmade and very expensive and doesn’t look like the 1 she had.