I think every knitter who saw the first pictures of Princess Charlotte thought the same things: ooh, pretty blanket, and I could totally knit that hat.
Looking for more Baby knits? Check out these Baby Knitting pattern books we found on Amazon.
I was thinking about trying to figure out the pattern for the little mostly Garter Stitch bonnet the new little bundle was wearing, but Rian Anderson beat me to it with her Princess Bonnet, now available as a free Ravelry download. It’s super cute and would be great for any baby’s (or doll’s) head.
Linda Castle also has A Bonnet for Every Little Princess, and Jacqueline Wilcox has another variation called Royal Princess Charlotte Baby Bonnet. They’re all a little different, so check them all out and see which one you like.
Pat Olski’s Crown Square knitting pattern is another fun project inspired by royals. This one is a dishcloth or washcloth that features a bobble-studded crown and a sweet little pink ribbon to mark the royal birth. This one costs $2.50.
I know someone will ask, so I’m not seeing a replica of the baby blanket, yet. It’s similar in style to Babysvøbet by Marianne Knorborg, which is available for free and in English (and Danish). It’s a version of the baby blanket given to the Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, who used it when her children were born. It’s a similar Shetland style with a Stockinette square in the center surrounded by deep lace borders.
You might also want to check out the Royal Lace Baby Shawl by Russian Lily or Spotlight Australia’s The Royal Look blanket. Here’s another cute one that’s similar.
What did you think of Princess Charlotte’s knits?
A crochet version of the bonnet is coming soon also…just needs to be photographed on a newborn. Will be published in the next few weeks. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/hollanddesigns/hrh-baby-bonnet There will also be a crocheted blanket pattern to coordinate with the bonnet. #comingsoon
Love these royal-inspired patterns, especially the crowned washcloth. Thanks for posting them!
The baby blanket pattern does not appear available in English unless you order a kit. Am I missing a different link somewhere?
Hi- I have a little baby I would love to knit a close copy of Charlotte’s blanket for. Will you be updating this post if you come across a good replica? Thanks! 🙂
I looked this bonnet up on the Irulea.com website and it is different than the oatterns I have seen. May be an experienced pattern designer can copy the pattern from that website