This year’s challenge goal for Cheyenne River Reservation will be 9 pairs of warm, wooly Mittnz. As always, emphasis is on warmth, so wool, superwash wool and other animal fibers are the fiber of first choice. Blends that are heavily animal are second choice, followed by the mainly synthetic blends (Wool Ease, Decor (on sale right now at Smiley’s) and Encore). For those unable to work with animal fibers, all synthetic works, but not cotton. Any color, and size. If you are planning wristers or fingerless mitts, be sure to pair them with a purchased pair of Magic Gloves, because the whole point is WARMTH!
Go here for more info:
Thanks for the plug!
I live in Missoula Montana, and am seeing this on Etsy, the BEST site IN THE WORLD!!!! anyway…..i am going to try and get this done. this is an awsome thing you are doing, and i think EVERYONE should get some mittens made!! come on ladies, if you can’t sew on a machine, get out a needle and thread! children, teens, adults, elders, NOONE should suffer in cold…