There are certain knitting patterns that it seems like everyone has knit, that are classics even if they haven’t been around that long.
But because I spend a lot of my time designing knitting projects (and writing books), I haven’t had time to knit a lot of those projects that “everyone else” has done.
So over the weekend I decided to remedy that in some small way by casting on, finally, for a Boneyard.
If you don’t happen to know this pattern, it’s a super simple, really pretty, mostly Stockinette triangular shawl worked from the tip out. Designed by Stephen West, it’s a free pattern on Ravelry, where as of this writing there are 5,826 projects and it’s in 6,354 queues. (I haven’t added mine to that count yet.)
It’s easy to see why this is such a popular pattern, because it’s relatively mindless once you get going, and because the design is so simple you can use a lot of different kinds of yarn. Mine is Malabrigo Rios that I’ve had for a long time and am so glad to be using because it is luscious.
I couldn’t keep to my selfish knitting for long, but I hope to get at least one day a week where I feel like I can spend some time with it. It’s like a knitting holiday.
Have you ever knit a Boneyard? How did it go?
What’s on your needles? I’d love to hear about it! Or see it on Instagram.
Looking to chat about Knitting and Patterns? Check out our Facebook Knitting page and our Facebook group dedicated to Knitting and Knitting Patterns.
Looking for more amazing shawl patterns? Check out these Knitting patterns we found on Etsy.
Suzette Gray says
I have done at least 3 boneyard shawls.
Sarah White says
I get the feeling they might be kind of addicting. 😉
Becky PS says
Dangit. One more I gotta try. Currently working a super simple triangle shawl in navy. Just finished a simple “lacy” navy scarf. I recently discovered that while I have lots of bright and cute scarfs and hats I had no basics like navy, black and red.