Knitted Lace
! Whether it’s a gossamer weight shawl delicately draped over a long evening gown, a sturdy shawl to keep you warm, gloves or sock for either utilitarian or decorative purposes, knitted lace evokes thoughts of romance and far away places.
While, I’m not so much the decorative, long evening gown type of gal (come on, really?) I can totally relate to warm aran socks with a lace pattern, fingerless mitts or a nice sturdy shawl to help chase away the Northern Michigan weather. And this book has it all and then some, in between!
Dozens of patterns and complete lace how-to, really, if you can knit, you can knit lace. It’s just knitting, purling, decreasing and increasing.
This book also includes a thorough explanation of pattern and chart reading, defines special terms, explains the best ways to block, and offers guidance on choosing the right yarn and needles. This collection of patterns, from authors including Clara Parkes, Annie Modesitt, Phoenix Bess, Berta Karapetyan, Melissa Matthay and Lisa Lloyd will have you knitting lace in no time.
I love lace knitting. My chart reading needs help, this book may do the trick. Thank you.