It’s amazing what can be done with knitting. The combination of knitting and science (and some computer programming skills) made it possible for Sarah Spencer from Melbourne, Australia to program a knitting machine to help her knit a giant map of the night sky.
I totally just typed “knit sky.” Which I guess is also accurate.
The map was worked in seven panels and includes all the named constellations, which stars varying in size based on their brightness. The full map is about 9 by 15 feet and weighs more than 30 pounds.
The piece was shown at a technology and arts festival in the UK in late August, and Spencer says she doesn’t know where the piece will land but we hope it’s somewhere lots of people can see it and be inspired by it.
[Photo via Atlas Obscura.]
This is so cool! Like I’m speechless I want this! Atowle
The work you have done to create this knitted tapestry is really a WORK OF ART. I am appreciative to have seen this exquisite creation. I hope a Museum or a Cosmodome organisation will acquire it . More eyes will be dumbfounded by your extraordinary creation.
Merci encore BRAVO