[tag]Fittner Knitter[/tag] has a great site full if interesting items. This page however, fits in with my current recycle theme of the past few days.
Cindy writes “These bags are made from 100% [tag]recycled wool[/tag] sweaters. No patterns were used so no two bags will ever be alike.
After felting each sweater, I just took a pair of scissors to them
and let the design emerge from the sweaters.The bags are lined with polyester fleece”. Because I also knit socks the Magic Loop way, I found this bag interesting.
The Magic Loop Bag
I love the [tag]magic loop[/tag]. But knitting 2 socks with the magic loop at one time makes the project less portable. If you just drop everything into a bag, the yarn gets all tangled. So I decided to design a bag to carry my 2-socks-on–one-circ projects.
Another good use of recycled wool sweaters!
how fun is this, now I know what to do with my old wool sweater.