Knit Picks has released a great little ebook for charity knitting (and crochet) that includes six projects for each craft that are perfect to make and donate to the charity of your choice. The Helping Hands ebook is a free PDF download and includes the following knitting patterns:
- Calming baby knit hat
- Comfort knit pet blanket
- Kitty-corner knit square
- Rainbow knit blankie
- PICC armband (to cover the line coming out of the arm)
- Benefaction knit hat
I think my favorite is the rainbow blankie, a pretty chevron pattern sure to bring comfort to whoever needs it.
The patterns are considered appropriate for intermediate knitters and all are designed by Stacey Winklepleck.
Do you knit for charity? I’d love to hear what you make and where you give it.
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[Photo via Knit Picks.]
Check out our New DIY Crafty Creative T-shirts featuring Knitting and Yarn Designs.
I will love knitting these, thank you.
I knit black wool caps for the troops in the Middle East, and send them to The Ships Project:
She’s been sending knit items and cool-ties to sailors and ground troops since 2001, and is about 500 items away from reaching a total of 600,000 items sent!
Very great keep it up checking it out on facebook Thx!
I knit for Heavenly Angels In Need. Preemie items, I also make Memory Boxes.
I make hats for Syrian refugees and blankets for the Humane Society and squares for Knit a Square for South African orphans. Thank you for the patterns!
I knit jumpers for oil-soaked penguins; blankets & knee robes to raise funds for a hospice; and a variety of nests for orphaned / injured wildlife rescue centres.
I knit hats for a couple of the local hospitals. Mostly newborn size, and small child size. When I finish up the ones on my needles, I’ll be bringing in the bag of 100 next week. That’ll bring the total up to 400. Surprisingly, I still have yarn left, lol.
All of these wonderful people doing wonderful things has inspired this knitter to do the same! Pay it forward…?? warms my heart….Deanna Porter…
I knit hats for newborn, for my local hospital. Also, hats, mittens and socks for RSVP in my area.
I think you all are wonderful and God Bless your will and hands to keep it up.
Crochet hats for our homeless.
Me, my sister and mom 81 btw she got Alzheimer’s but still knit. We knit for old age home so they can sell in their shop we support 11 old people who don’t have the funds. Knit blankets beanies baby clothes.I also knit for 5 schools scarfs, beanies and gloves.
I knit for children in The Gambia.mostly up to 6 months old. Sometimes up to 1 year. I often knit premature items forfor the very tiny babies
Try they make burial wraps,knit hats, for still horns and babies that are too small for burial clothes. I knit hats 3″. So rewarding. God bless the little ones????
30 of us charity knit every Monday. Our local YMCA is kind enough to set up tables in their lovely atrium. All yarn is donated. We donated over 1,100 items in 2016. Items stay in our community. We donate to three wonderful “charities- our local NEAR food shelf, a very large church, and the Y. We knit baby items for the church who provide needy baby showers, hats scarves mittens and earwarmers headbands. The Y distrib to school nurses.we laugh, we bond, we help each other and have formed lasting friendships. We have croheters too and teach anyone who wants to learn. We range from 10 to 90 years old. There is a special place in heaven for charity knitters and cricketers.
I knit for Hats For The Homeless in Minneapolis. I use the pattern Classic World War II Watch Cap.
I would love to make prem clothes for Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital NICU