There’s no question that knitters love the Olympics, if for no other reason than that they allow us to sit for hours in front of the television, knitting, in the name of patriotism. But knitting and the Games are connected in other ways.
One of the most shared images from the first full day of the Games (for fiber lovers, anyway) was the picture of the Finnish snowboard slopeside coach knitting at the top of the course. Word has it the coach and players are working on a scarf that will be handed off to Finland’s Summer Olympic team when it heads to Rio in 2016. How cool is that?
I’ve been told there are a few knitters among the contenders for Team USA (and no doubt for other countries as well. Figure skater Gracie Gold knits and snowboarder Jamie Anderson crochets (check out a piece with her from Interweave Crochet), as well as 2010 Olympics gold medal winner in women’s moguls, Hannah Kearney, who I actually interviewed before the Games last time around.
Another fun knitting and sport connection comes through Jimmy Beans Wool and Coats & Clark, which are the official yarn suppliers to the U.S. snowboarding and freeskiing teams, which means they get yarn, needles and patterns. At some ski events there’s even a tent where spectators and competitors alike can learn to knit.
And of course there’s the Ravellenic Winter Games, a challenge that has competitors knitting (or crocheting, spinning, whatever) a project between the time the Opening Ceremony happens and the end of the Games. I always want to participate and then have a million other things going on at the time, but I’m doing book knitting right now so the odds are good I’ll start and finish a project or two in this time frame.
How are you celebrating the Olympics? Do you watch and knit? I’d love to know what you’re working on!
My Ravellenics event is Finishing — as in, getting the WIPs out of hibernation and doing whatever it takes to get them done, and as many of them as I can! I’ve washed & blocked two pieces, and woven in the ends, and completed the first of a pair of armwarmers (elbow length — what was I thinking?) and started the second. Tonite I’ll wash & block a wrap, so I can get the buttons on it before the Closing. And I’ll get out the sewing machine (!!!) to apply a ribbon facing to a cardigan so I can put snaps on it. Whew!