The introduction to this slideshow of sweater knitting patterns from the 1970s makes me smile in light of what we’re talking about this month. It’s talking about how everyone seems to knit these days, but they mostly just knit scarves and baby blankets.
However, not a single knitter I know has found the time to make a sweater, let alone a skirt or pair of pants. And matching sweaters for the whole family? Forget about it!
Well, I’ve never knit matching sweaters, but I can crank out a couple of sweaters a season (especially since my daughter is still pretty small) and I’ll bet you can, too.
The post suggests that people knit more sweaters back in the day because they didn’t have other distractions like the Internet. But watching television is a great way to get more knitting done, so cozy up with this slideshow for inspiration (even if it only inspires laughter and an understanding of what you don’t want to make) and get ready to knit your own awesome, much more fashionable sweaters.
And if we’re being honest, I would totally knit a couple of these. But those pictured would be much better for an infant, and probably fit better, too. How about you?
[Photo via Collectors Weekly.]
Those little sweaters are better than the hugely oversized ones of the ’80s (or whenever it was). We traveled to Scandinavia while our daughter was in college. She gave us measurements, so we could buy a sweater to bring back to her. My husband commented, “She’d better marry a football player, so he can wear it after oversized goes out of style!” Wonder whether she still has it?
these are hilarious! I always wanted a sweater with an “old-timey” car on it!!!