Suzanne from trinity shawls sent me this e-mail about her charity project to knit prayer shawls.
——–Suzanne Said—–
When visiting my Grandmother’s home at a very early age, I remember seeing what seemed like a huge statue of our Lady with a lighted candle at her feet. I was a very curious child, so inevitably I asked why Our Lady had a lit candle. Was she afraid of the dark? I was told that Granny was keeping the light lit as a prayerful vigil for the safe return of my Aunt and Uncle who were in harm’s way, and this was a life-altering experience for me.
Since that war, we are have engaged in several other wars and, especially now, the Terrorist attacks that leave many people, like my Grandmother, waiting in prayer for the safe return of husbands and wives, daughters and sons, brothers and sisters. They wait – with or without lit candles. They wait worried and concerned – they wait – they wait – they wait and keep vigil for the safe return of their loved ones.
an we help these people wait?
Can we wait with them?
Yes, we can. As knitters, we can knit for our family and friends, who hold vigils of prayer for their loved ones in harm’s way, a shawl…… to wrap them in love. With our own loving hands, stitch-by-stitch and inch-by-inch, we can combine our knits and purls’ to create a shawl that will wrap them in a warm caring hug. We can join them in wait as we knit day-by-day the shawl that will bring them comfort and love, during this painful and difficult time in their lives.
There can be peace in our world. Let it begin with those of us who are knitters, as we knit our way to World Peace!
Please visit Trinity Peace Shawls at to see the Rosary Peace Shawl Pattern and Kit. The kits come with the matching gift card, as a special way for you to give your shawl knitted in prayer and love for peace!
Suzanne M Harker
d/b/a Trinity Shawls
© Trinity Shawls 2007 All Rights Reserved.
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Looking for more amazing shawl patterns? Check out these Knitting patterns we found on Etsy.
Beautifull Blog! You can buy beautifull shawls and scarves at
I tried the link to,and the page was in Chinese(I think). Is there an English page that I can access?